Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SHOW TIME!!!!!!!

In these pics i took second place In my class!The kid that took first place was a friend that was camping by us it was Hayden Marsh.so i was Able to go in the class where they pick Grand and Reserve.I took 8th in that class so i did pretty darn good!!!.

Me and my steer gotalong really good this year he was just like a puppy dog.After the show he got a kiss if he did good and cooperated!!It was the hardest thing to give him away after the sale i cried even that night I was standing by him i was in tears hugging him, loving him ,and talking to him.
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  1. You are a natural what ever you are doing... Grandma loves you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUch!!!!!!

  2. Shaylie Bug you were so AWESOME at the fair... I am so glad that your steer was so good for you... I hate the goodbyes to but sure glad we were there for lots of hugs together..LOVE YA TONS MOM :)
