Thursday, July 23, 2009


Sunday morning we had to go to Ogden to get oat hay for the animals.There was 20 little bells and 10 big ones.Dad put the little ones on the trailer mom took pictures shelby and mick stacked them on the trailer and i drove the truck.
This picture is mom wanting a picture of me looking at her but i had to payattention to where i was going!
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  1. I LOVE YOU SHAYLIE BUG!!! You are an AWESOME DRIVER!! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP...Also thanks for helping unload the load of hay you are the BEST~~

  2. O>M>G> you are an awesome girl!!! The fun of being raised on a farm... I remember doing that for my dad. I was glad I was a girl so I could drive and the boys had to get the bails.. That brought back memories for me....Luv you little farm kids!! your parents are so blessed to have such a terrific bunch!!!!
